Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The F Model: Emotional quarks, leptons, and force carriers

This is Dick Freely's emotional/rational mind Rosetta Stone attempt, The F Model.
It contains 3 fundamental thought particle types, with each particle type divided into 3 catagories (or "generations"), each determined by frequency of observationand assumed to be related to robustness. This is a unified model that asserts three main components of "mind", genereally classified as "mindPariticles" (note capitalization and spelling):

1) mindQuarks - Perception of reality (sensory input, template construction and matching)
2) mindLetpons - Abstract thought (deductive and inferencial reasoning)
3) mindForceCarriers - Emotion (love, hate, fear)

The 3 generations, or catagories of frequency of observation, rank from most robust and demonstrable in terms of frequency, to most fleeting and most rarely observed but most influencial:

1) Brite - strong, conscious mindQuarks, mindLeptons, and mindForceCarriers (mind particles)
2) Spin - subconscious or non-acknolwedged but very effective and "unstable" mind particles
3) Ghost - assumed subconscious tracks or pathways of previous mind particles of Brite or Spin level (very significant, very influential, but thought processes occupy or traverse the Ghost generation like a train on tracks, unaware of any other option unless a collision with a Brite or Spin mindParticle takes place).

This model does not attempt to address the actual nature of the mind, nor does it solve whether or not each mindParticle is indivisible, or "fundamental" in nature - That will be a task for Freely-string theory, which may come later, if I ease off the sauce a bit.

Each mindParticle also has a corresponding anti-mindParticle of equal influence. For example Rage's anti-particle is Ecstacy (anti-rage). The actual make-up of these particular aggregates will be addressed in the near future.

Next, I will diagram the mindParticle/generation matrix in order to demonstrate how actual thought experiences are expressible and provable in terms of combination and decay using only the F Model (again with deference to the upcoming F-sting theory to solve certain exceptions or minor inconsistencies).

It is my assertion these symmetries extend out past the individual mind to groups of arbitrary size, and explain significant portions of human behaviour including "bizzare" phenomena like memes and mass psychosis.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, ya big Dick!

Pretty hard to email you when you don't have an email
linking button thingy.

Missed you

somena AT

6:02 PM  
Blogger John T. Kennedy said...

S'funny, the little woman was remarking just the other day about how every time my force carrier gets kicked up to an excited state she always seems to get a' lepton.

12:43 PM  
Blogger Dick Freely said...

What did she think of the 2004 Presidentional Electron?
Tell me know taumorrow. I have to go, I hear the cat muon...

1:54 PM  

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